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Spinal Stabilization Exercises for Low Back Pain in Adolescents With Idiopathic Scoliosis (LBPAIS Trial)
1. Do spinal stabilization exercises demonstrate immediate and long-term effects of weight weeks of spinal stabilization exercises as measured by pain intensity and quality of life scores? 2. Does eight weeks of spinal stabilization exercises improve back muscle endurance in adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis (IS) with low back pain (LBP), compared to a one-time treatment (control)? Hypotheses: The research hypothesis for Question 1 is: Participants who receive eight weeks of spinal stabilization exercises will demonstrate significantly improved pain intensity and quality of life scores compared to participants who receive a one-time treatment after eight weeks of the intervention period and at six-month follow-up. The research hypothesis for Question 2 is: Participants who receive eight weeks of the spinal stabilization exercises will demonstrate significantly improved back muscle endurance, compared to participants who receive a one-time treatment after eight weeks of intervention.
- Low Back Pain
- Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
- Lower Back Pain