BIO 300 Oral Suspension for Post-COVID Syndrome
Recruiting0 awardsPhase 2
Aurora, Colorado
This trial is testing whether BIO 300 Oral Suspension can improve lung function in patients who were hospitalized for severe COVID-19 and continue to experience post-acute respiratory complications. Patients will be randomly assigned to receive either BIO 300 or a placebo.
Tricyclic Antidepressant
Duloxetine + Amitriptyline for Interstitial Lung Disease-related Cough
Recruiting0 awardsPhase 2
Rochester, Minnesota
This trial is testing whether Amitriptyline and Duloxetine can reduce coughing in people with interstitial lung disease. These medications, usually used for depression and anxiety, might help by changing how the brain processes signals that cause coughing. The study involves different doses of these medications.
Popular Filters
Trials for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients
Behavioral Intervention
Home-based Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Pulmonary Fibrosis
Recruiting1 award2 criteria
Scottsdale, Arizona
This trial aims to see if a program that includes exercising at home with support from a health coach can improve the quality of life and physical activity levels of patients with fibrotic interstitial lung disease compared
Extracorporeal Support
ECMO Methods for Lung Disease
Recruiting1 award1 criteria
Edmonton, Alberta
"This trial compares two methods used during lung transplantation: routine use of a heart-lung machine and selective use based on patient oxygen levels. The goal is to see which method is better for patients with terminal
Behavioural Intervention
Exercise Programs for COPD
Recruiting1 award
Charlestown, Massachusetts
This trial aims to compare the effectiveness of a supervised exercise program delivered either onsite or through telehealth for adults with COPD. The study will evaluate outcomes such as breathlessness, exercise capacity, physical function
FAPI PET for Lung Fibrosis
Recruiting1 awardPhase < 1
Los Angeles, California
This trial is looking at how well a new imaging agent called 68-GaFAPi works in people with interstitial lung disease. The study will follow 30 patients and look at where and how much the agent accumulates in normal and diseased lung tissue.
Trials for IPF Patients
Xenon MRI for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Recruiting1 awardPhase 2
Durham, North Carolina
This trial is being done to see if MRI using inhaled hyper-polarized 129 Xenon gas can help visualize impaired lung function to detect changes over time in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) patients receiving approved IPF treatments.
Behavioural Intervention
Zinc + Nicotinamide Riboside for Pulmonary Fibrosis
Recruiting0 awardsPhase 2
Los Angeles, California
This trial aims to see if people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) can participate in a clinical trial from their homes. They will be given a combination of zinc and nicotinamide
Integrin Antagonist
Bexotegrast for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Recruiting0 awardsPhase 2
Redding, California
This trial is testing a new medication called bexotegrast to see if it can help people with a lung disease called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The study will include people who are already on other treatments as well as those who are not. The goal is to find out if bexotegrast can improve lung function and slow down the disease.
Checkpoint Inhibitor
Atezolizumab for Pulmonary Fibrosis
Recruiting1 awardPhase 1
Los Angeles, California
This trial is testing atezolizumab, a medicine that boosts the immune system, in people aged 50 to 80 with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). IPF is a lung disease with no current treatments to stop its progression. Atezolizumab may help slow down lung damage by helping the immune system fight the disease.
Phase 3 Trials
N-acetyl Cysteine for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Recruiting1 awardPhase 3
Stanford, California
This trial will compare the effect of NAC plus standard care with placebo plus standard of care in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis who have the TOLLIP rs3750920 TT genotype. The study will compare the time to a composite endpoint of relative decline in lung function, first respiratory hospitalization, lung transplantation, or all-cause mortality.
Trials With No Placebo
Behavioral Intervention
Home-based Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Pulmonary Fibrosis
Recruiting1 award2 criteria
Scottsdale, Arizona
This trial aims to see if a program that includes exercising at home with support from a health coach can improve the quality of life and physical activity levels of patients with fibrotic interstitial lung disease compared
Extracorporeal Support
ECMO Methods for Lung Disease
Recruiting1 award1 criteria
Edmonton, Alberta
"This trial compares two methods used during lung transplantation: routine use of a heart-lung machine and selective use based on patient oxygen levels. The goal is to see which method is better for patients with terminal
Behavioural Intervention
Exercise Programs for COPD
Recruiting1 award
Charlestown, Massachusetts
This trial aims to compare the effectiveness of a supervised exercise program delivered either onsite or through telehealth for adults with COPD. The study will evaluate outcomes such as breathlessness, exercise capacity, physical function
FAPI PET for Lung Fibrosis
Recruiting1 awardPhase < 1
Los Angeles, California
This trial is looking at how well a new imaging agent called 68-GaFAPi works in people with interstitial lung disease. The study will follow 30 patients and look at where and how much the agent accumulates in normal and diseased lung tissue.
View More Related Trials
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the 'trial drug' — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
Is there any support for travel costs?
Many of the teams running clinical trials will cover the cost of transportation to-and-from their care center.
Will I know what medication I am taking?
This depends on the specific study. If you're worried about receiving a placebo, you can actively filter out these trials using our search.
How long do clinical trials last?
Some trials will only require a single visit, while others will continue until your disease returns. It's fairly common for a trial to last somewhere between 1 and 6 months.
Do you verify all the trials on your website?
All of the trials listed on Power have been formally registered with the US Food and Drug Administration. Beyond this, some trials on Power have been formally 'verified' if the team behind the trial has completed an additional level of verification with our team.
How quickly will I hear back from a clinical trial?
Sadly, this response time can take anywhere from 6 hours to 2 weeks. We're working hard to speed up how quickly you hear back — in general, verified trials respond to patients within a few days.