Dr. Antoni Ribas
Claim this profileUCLA / Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
Studies Melanoma
Studies Squamous Cell Carcinoma
6 reported clinical trials
9 drugs studied
Area of expertise
Stage IV
Stage III
BRAF positive
2Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Stage III
Stage IV
IL13Ralpha2 positive
Affiliated Hospitals
UCLA / Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
UCLA School Of Medicine
Clinical Trials Antoni Ribas is currently running
IL13Ralpha2 CAR T Cells
for Advanced Skin Cancer
This trial tests the safety and best dose of modified immune cells for patients with advanced melanoma or other cancers that have spread. The treatment uses the patient's own T cells, which are changed in a lab to better attack cancer cells. The goal is to see if these modified cells can safely and effectively fight the cancer.
Recruiting1 award Phase 113 criteria
for Cancer
This trial is testing TSR-022, a new medicine that helps the immune system fight cancer by blocking a protein called TIM-3. TIM-3 has gained prominence as a potential candidate for cancer immunotherapy, where it has been shown that blocking TIM-3 with other treatments enhances the body's ability to fight tumors and suppress their growth. It targets patients with tumors, especially those who may not respond to standard treatments. The goal is to see if this medicine can help the immune system better attack cancer cells.
Recruiting1 award Phase 1
More about Antoni Ribas
Clinical Trial Related5 years of experience running clinical trials · Led 6 trials as a Principal Investigator · 4 Active Clinical TrialsTreatments Antoni Ribas has experience with
- TSR-022
- Cyclophosphamide
- Fludarabine Phosphate
- IL13Ralpha2-specific Hinge-optimized 4-1BB-co-stimulatory CAR/Truncated CD19-expressing Autologous TN/MEM Cells
- Recombinant Interleukin-2
- LGK974
Breakdown of trials Antoni Ribas has run
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
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Frequently asked questions
Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the ‘trial drug’ — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
What does Antoni Ribas specialize in?
Antoni Ribas focuses on Melanoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. In particular, much of their work with Melanoma has involved Stage IV patients, or patients who are Stage III.
Is Antoni Ribas currently recruiting for clinical trials?
Yes, Antoni Ribas is currently recruiting for 4 clinical trials in Los Angeles California. If you're interested in participating, you should apply.
Are there any treatments that Antoni Ribas has studied deeply?
Yes, Antoni Ribas has studied treatments such as TSR-022, Cyclophosphamide, Fludarabine Phosphate.
What is the best way to schedule an appointment with Antoni Ribas?
Apply for one of the trials that Antoni Ribas is conducting.
What is the office address of Antoni Ribas?
The office of Antoni Ribas is located at: UCLA / Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, California 90095 United States. This is the address for their practice at the UCLA / Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Is there any support for travel costs?
The coverage of travel expenses can vary greatly between different clinical trials. Please see more financial detail in the trials you’re interested to apply.