Screening Tests for Cervical and Anal Cancer in HIV Patients
(CAMPO-101 Trial)
Trial Summary
The trial does not specify if you need to stop taking your current medications. However, it does require documentation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV, so you may need to continue those medications.
Research shows that using high-resolution anoscopy and biopsies can help accurately diagnose anal dysplasia in HIV patients. Additionally, molecular markers and hybrid capture techniques have been effective in screening for cervical cancer in women with HIV, offering high sensitivity in detecting precursor lesions.
12345Colposcopy and high-resolution anoscopy are generally safe procedures used to screen for cervical and anal cancer, respectively. While they may cause some discomfort, they are important for identifying precancerous lesions and preventing cancer progression.
678910This treatment is unique because it uses new biomarkers, originally developed for cervical cancer screening, to provide a targeted and easy-to-perform screening for anal dysplasia in HIV patients, which is not yet standardized. Unlike high-resolution imaging, which is not suitable for mass screening, these biomarkers offer a more accessible approach.
511121314Eligibility Criteria
This trial is for adults over 21 with HIV who have not had a hysterectomy, are not pregnant or recently post-partum, and haven't been treated for related lesions in the last 18 months. They must understand the study and agree to participate, have an ECOG performance status of <=1 (or Karnofsky >=70%), documented HIV infection, and be on antiretroviral therapy.Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Trial Timeline
Participants are screened for eligibility to participate in the trial
Initial Assessment and Testing
Participants undergo collection of cervical images, cervical and anal swabs for real-time testing of high-risk HPV. Positive results lead to further diagnostic procedures such as colposcopy or high-resolution anoscopy.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Participants may receive a diagnosis and treatment based on test results. Those diagnosed with HSIL may undergo standard of care treatment or enroll in additional studies.
Participants are monitored for safety and effectiveness after treatment, with potential for additional studies.