Leland Metheny | Case Comprehensive ...

Dr. Leland Metheny, MD

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University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

Studies Lymphoma
Studies Childhood Cancer
12 reported clinical trials
23 drugs studied

Area of expertise

Leland Metheny, MD has run 4 trials for Lymphoma. Some of their research focus areas include:
CD22 positive
Philadelphia chromosome positive
2Childhood Cancer
Leland Metheny, MD has run 3 trials for Childhood Cancer. Some of their research focus areas include:
CD22 positive
Philadelphia chromosome positive

Affiliated Hospitals

Image of trial facility.
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
Image of trial facility.
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Clinical Trials Leland Metheny, MD is currently running

Image of trial facility.

Inotuzumab Ozogamicin Post-Transplant

for Leukemia and Lymphoma

This study has two phases, Phase I and Phase II. The main goal of the Phase I portion of this research study is to see what doses post-transplant inotuzumab ozogamicin can safely be given to subjects without having too many side effects. The Phase II portion of this study is to see what side effects are seen with medication after transplant. Inotuzumab ozogamicin is a combination of an antibody and chemotherapy which has been shown to have significant activity against relapsed/refractory acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Inotuzumab ozogamicin is considered experimental in this study.
Recruiting1 award Phase 1 & 2
Image of trial facility.

Combination Therapy

for Multiple Myeloma

This phase III trial compares the combination of four drugs (daratumumab, bortezomib, lenalidomide and dexamethasone) to the use of a three drug combination (daratumumab, lenalidomide and dexamethasone). Bortezomib may stop the growth of cancer cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Chemotherapy drugs, such as lenalidomide, work in different ways to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Daratumumab is a monoclonal antibody that may interfere with the ability of cancer cells to grow and spread. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as dexamethasone lower the body's immune response and are used with other drugs in the treatment of some types of cancer. Adding bortezomib to daratumumab, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone may be more effective in shrinking the cancer or preventing it from returning, compared to continuing on daratumumab, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone.
Recruiting2 awards Phase 332 criteria

More about Leland Metheny, MD

Clinical Trial Related7 years of experience running clinical trials · Led 12 trials as a Principal Investigator · 7 Active Clinical Trials
Treatments Leland Metheny, MD has experience with
  • Lenalidomide
  • Abatacept
  • Carmustine
  • Filgrastim
  • O6-benzylguanine
  • P140K-MGMT

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Frequently asked questions

Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the ‘trial drug’ — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
What does Leland Metheny, MD specialize in?
Leland Metheny, MD focuses on Lymphoma and Childhood Cancer. In particular, much of their work with Lymphoma has involved CD22 positive patients, or patients who are Philadelphia chromosome positive.
Is Leland Metheny, MD currently recruiting for clinical trials?
Yes, Leland Metheny, MD is currently recruiting for 7 clinical trials in Cleveland Ohio. If you're interested in participating, you should apply.
Are there any treatments that Leland Metheny, MD has studied deeply?
Yes, Leland Metheny, MD has studied treatments such as Lenalidomide, Abatacept, Carmustine.
What is the best way to schedule an appointment with Leland Metheny, MD?
Apply for one of the trials that Leland Metheny, MD is conducting.
What is the office address of Leland Metheny, MD?
The office of Leland Metheny, MD is located at: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-5065 United States. This is the address for their practice at the University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Is there any support for travel costs?
The coverage of travel expenses can vary greatly between different clinical trials. Please see more financial detail in the trials you’re interested to apply.