Dr. Amar Kishan
Claim this profileUCLA / Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
Studies Prostate Cancer
Studies Prostate Adenocarcinoma
10 reported clinical trials
12 drugs studied
Area of expertise
1Prostate Cancer
Stage IV
Stage I
Stage II
2Prostate Adenocarcinoma
Stage IV
Stage I
Stage II
Affiliated Hospitals
UCLA / Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
Clinical Trials Amar Kishan is currently running
Hormone + Radiation Therapy
for Prostate Cancer
This phase II trial evaluates apalutamide in combination with image-guided stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for the treatment of patients with prostate cancer. Prostate cancer usually needs the hormone testosterone to grow. Apalutamide is a hormone therapy that blocks the effect of testosterone on prostate tumor cells. This may help stop the growth of tumor cells that need testosterone to grow. Image-guided SBRT is a standard treatment for some types of prostate cancer. This treatment combines imaging of cancer within the body, with the delivery of therapeutic radiation doses produced on a linear accelerator machine. SBRT uses special equipment to position a patient and deliver radiation to tumors with high precision. This method may kill tumor cells with fewer doses over a shorter period and cause less damage to normal tissue. Combining apalutamide with image-guided SBRT may increase a prostate cancer patient's chances of achieving an extremely low prostate specific antigen response, which is an early predictor of disease cure.
Recruiting1 award Phase 216 criteria
Stereotactic Radiotherapy + Hormone Therapy
for Prostate Cancer
This phase II trial investigates the effect of extremely hypofractionated intensity modulated stereotactic body radiotherapy in treating patients with prostate cancer that has rising prostate specific antigen (PSA) after radical prostatectomy. Stereotactic body radiation therapy uses special equipment to position a patient and deliver radiation to tumors with high precision. This method may kill tumor cells with fewer doses over a shorter period and cause less damage to normal tissue. Hypofractionated radiation therapy delivers higher doses of radiation therapy over a shorter period of time and may kill more tumor cells and have fewer side effects.
Recruiting1 award Phase 2
More about Amar Kishan
Clinical Trial Related5 years of experience running clinical trials · Led 10 trials as a Principal Investigator · 4 Active Clinical TrialsTreatments Amar Kishan has experience with
- Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
- Apalutamide
- Image-guided Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
- Lutetium Lu-177 PNT2002
- Germline DNA-Based Radiosensitivity Biomarker
- Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy
Breakdown of trials Amar Kishan has run
Prostate Cancer
Prostate Adenocarcinoma
Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma
Elevated Prostate Specific Antigen Level
Prostate-Specific Antigen
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Frequently asked questions
Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the ‘trial drug’ — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
What does Amar Kishan specialize in?
Amar Kishan focuses on Prostate Cancer and Prostate Adenocarcinoma. In particular, much of their work with Prostate Cancer has involved Stage IV patients, or patients who are Stage I.
Is Amar Kishan currently recruiting for clinical trials?
Yes, Amar Kishan is currently recruiting for 4 clinical trials in Los Angeles California. If you're interested in participating, you should apply.
Are there any treatments that Amar Kishan has studied deeply?
Yes, Amar Kishan has studied treatments such as Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy, Apalutamide, Image-guided Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy.
What is the best way to schedule an appointment with Amar Kishan?
Apply for one of the trials that Amar Kishan is conducting.
What is the office address of Amar Kishan?
The office of Amar Kishan is located at: UCLA / Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, California 90095 United States. This is the address for their practice at the UCLA / Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Is there any support for travel costs?
The coverage of travel expenses can vary greatly between different clinical trials. Please see more financial detail in the trials you’re interested to apply.