
monitored anesthesia care therapy, Monitored anesthesia care sedation, Induction of anesthesia therapy + 3 more
6 FDA approvals
0 Active Studies for Alfenta

What is Alfenta

AlfentanilThe Generic name of this drug
Treatment SummaryAlfentanil is a type of opioid medication used as an anesthetic and pain reliever. It works quickly to provide pain relief and reduce consciousness during surgery, as well as providing relief to critically ill patients. Alfentanil is a derivative of fentanyl, with a short-acting effect and fast recovery time.
Alfentanil Hydrochlorideis the brand name
Alfenta Overview & Background
Brand Name
Generic Name
First FDA Approval
How many FDA approvals?
Alfentanil Hydrochloride

Approved as Treatment by the FDA

Alfentanil, also known as Alfentanil Hydrochloride, is approved by the FDA for 6 uses such as Perioperative analgesia and Induction of anesthesia therapy .
Perioperative analgesia
Induction of anesthesia therapy
monitored anesthesia care therapy
Monitored anesthesia care sedation
General Anesthesia
Anesthesia procedures


How Alfenta Affects PatientsAlfentanil is a pain-relieving drug that works by targeting the opioid receptors in the brain, spinal cord, and other tissues. When taken, it has sedative and pain-reducing effects. It can also cause changes in mood, feelings of euphoria or dysphoria, drowsiness, and decreased breathing and coughing. It can also decrease the size of the pupils.
How Alfenta works in the bodyOpiates work by binding to G-protein receptors, which then activate other proteins. These proteins decrease the amount of chemicals that carry pain signals, as well as hormones that control hunger and other bodily functions. Opiates also work by changing the activity of two types of ion channels: voltage-operated calcium channels and calcium-dependent potassium channels. These changes make it harder for nerves to send pain signals and cause a decrease in nerve activity. Ultimately, this leads to decreased pain and other effects associated with opiate use.

When to interrupt dosage

The advised amount of Alfenta depends upon the diagnosed affliction, including General Anesthesia, Monitored anesthesia care sedation and Induction of anesthesia therapy. Dosage can be ascertained in the table below, contingent upon the administration process (e.g. Injection or Solution).
Monitored anesthesia care sedation
0.5 mg/mL,
, Intravenous, Injection, Injection - Intravenous, Solution, Solution - Intravenous, Injection, solution, Injection, solution - Intravenous
Perioperative analgesia
0.5 mg/mL,
, Intravenous, Injection, Injection - Intravenous, Solution, Solution - Intravenous, Injection, solution, Injection, solution - Intravenous
Induction of anesthesia therapy
0.5 mg/mL,
, Intravenous, Injection, Injection - Intravenous, Solution, Solution - Intravenous, Injection, solution, Injection, solution - Intravenous
Anesthesia procedures
0.5 mg/mL,
, Intravenous, Injection, Injection - Intravenous, Solution, Solution - Intravenous, Injection, solution, Injection, solution - Intravenous
General Anesthesia
0.5 mg/mL,
, Intravenous, Injection, Injection - Intravenous, Solution, Solution - Intravenous, Injection, solution, Injection, solution - Intravenous
monitored anesthesia care therapy
0.5 mg/mL,
, Intravenous, Injection, Injection - Intravenous, Solution, Solution - Intravenous, Injection, solution, Injection, solution - Intravenous


Alfenta has one contraindication and should not be taken in the presence of conditions given in the following table.Alfenta Contraindications
Risk Level
intolerance to other opioid agonists
Do Not Combine
There are 20 known major drug interactions with Alfenta.
Common Alfenta Drug Interactions
Drug Name
Risk Level
The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Alfentanil is combined with 7,8-Dichloro-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline.
The metabolism of Astemizole can be decreased when combined with Alfentanil.
The metabolism of Axitinib can be decreased when combined with Alfentanil.
Alfentanil may increase the central nervous system depressant (CNS depressant) activities of Azelastine.
The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Alfentanil is combined with Benmoxin.
Alfenta Toxicity & Overdose RiskSigns of an overdose on a curare-based drug may include tightness in the muscles, difficulty breathing, and small pupils. The heart rate may also slow down.
image of a doctor in a lab doing drug, clinical research

Alfenta Novel Uses: Which Conditions Have a Clinical Trial Featuring Alfenta?

There are currently 4 active trials assessing the potential of Alfenta for Monitored Anesthesia Care Therapy, Monitored Anesthesia Care Sedation and Anesthetic Induction Therapy.
Clinical Trials
Trial Phases
Perioperative analgesia
0 Actively Recruiting
Anesthesia procedures
0 Actively Recruiting
Induction of anesthesia therapy
0 Actively Recruiting
Monitored anesthesia care sedation
0 Actively Recruiting
General Anesthesia
0 Actively Recruiting
monitored anesthesia care therapy
0 Actively Recruiting

Alfenta Reviews: What are patients saying about Alfenta?

1Patient Review
Alfenta for Pain
These tablets were not helpful.
image of drug pills surrounding a glass of water symbolizing drug consumption

Patient Q&A Section about alfenta

These questions and answers are submitted by anonymous patients, and have not been verified by our internal team.

Can you bolus alfentanil?

"Alfentanil 500 micrograms/ml should be used for short procedures as bolus injections or for long, painful surgical procedures as bolus injections supplemented by increments or by infusion."

Answered by AI

When should I take alfentanil?

"Alfentanil is a palliative care medication, typically used as a second-line option. It is a more suitable choice for continuous infusion than other opioids, because it takes effect quickly and doesn't last as long. It can be injected either under the skin or directly into a vein, and is sometimes used to provide relief from breakthrough pain or to ease pain during medical procedures."

Answered by AI

Is Levorphanol an opiate?

"Levorphanol is a medication used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is classified as an opiate (narcotic) analgesic."

Answered by AI

What opioid has the fastest onset?

"The only current rapid-onset analgesic for the treatment of ROBTP is fentanyl, a very potent μ-opioid receptor agonist. Fentanyl is a synthetic phenylpiperidine that is approximately 80 times more potent than morphine."

Answered by AI