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What is Alfenta
Approved as Treatment by the FDA
Alfentanil, also known as Alfentanil Hydrochloride, is approved by the FDA for 6 uses such as Perioperative analgesia and Induction of anesthesia therapy .Effectiveness
When to interrupt dosage
The advised amount of Alfenta depends upon the diagnosed affliction, including General Anesthesia, Monitored anesthesia care sedation and Induction of anesthesia therapy. Dosage can be ascertained in the table below, contingent upon the administration process (e.g. Injection or Solution).Warnings
Alfenta has one contraindication and should not be taken in the presence of conditions given in the following table.Alfenta ContraindicationsAlfenta Novel Uses: Which Conditions Have a Clinical Trial Featuring Alfenta?
There are currently 4 active trials assessing the potential of Alfenta for Monitored Anesthesia Care Therapy, Monitored Anesthesia Care Sedation and Anesthetic Induction Therapy.Alfenta Reviews: What are patients saying about Alfenta?
Patient Q&A Section about alfenta
These questions and answers are submitted by anonymous patients, and have not been verified by our internal team.Can you bolus alfentanil?
"Alfentanil 500 micrograms/ml should be used for short procedures as bolus injections or for long, painful surgical procedures as bolus injections supplemented by increments or by infusion."
When should I take alfentanil?
"Alfentanil is a palliative care medication, typically used as a second-line option. It is a more suitable choice for continuous infusion than other opioids, because it takes effect quickly and doesn't last as long. It can be injected either under the skin or directly into a vein, and is sometimes used to provide relief from breakthrough pain or to ease pain during medical procedures."
Is Levorphanol an opiate?
"Levorphanol is a medication used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is classified as an opiate (narcotic) analgesic."
What opioid has the fastest onset?
"The only current rapid-onset analgesic for the treatment of ROBTP is fentanyl, a very potent μ-opioid receptor agonist. Fentanyl is a synthetic phenylpiperidine that is approximately 80 times more potent than morphine."