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Lillestol Research, LLC
Claim this profileFargo, North Dakota 58104
Global Leader in Hypertension
Global Leader in Diabetes Mellitus
Conducts research for Type 2 Diabetes
Conducts research for Obesity
Conducts research for Overweight
106 reported clinical trials
4 medical researchers
Lillestol Research, LLC is a medical facility located in Fargo, North Dakota. This center is recognized for care of Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, Overweight and other specialties. Lillestol Research, LLC is involved with conducting 106 clinical trials across 108 conditions. There are 4 research doctors associated with this hospital, such as Michael J Lillestol, Prafulla Shembalkar, Prafulla Keshaorao Shembalkar, and Lillestol.Top PIs
Michael J LillestolLillestol Research4 years of reported clinical research
Studies Obesity
Studies Overweight
22 reported clinical trials
29 drugs studied
Prafulla ShembalkarGetwell Hospital & Research Institute4 years of reported clinical research
Studies Migraine Headaches
Studies Migraine
4 reported clinical trials
3 drugs studied
Prafulla Keshaorao ShembalkarLillestol Research4 years of reported clinical research
Studies Migraine Headaches
Studies Migraine
4 reported clinical trials
3 drugs studied
LillestolLillestol Research LLC2 years of reported clinical research
Studies Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease
Studies Femoral Artery Disease
1 reported clinical trial
2 drugs studied
Clinical Trials running at Lillestol Research, LLC
Coronary Artery Disease
High Cholesterol
Type 2 Diabetes
Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease
Diabetes Mellitus
Retatrutide vs Tirzepatide
for Obesity
The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of retatrutide compared to tirzepatide in adults who have obesity. The study will last about 89 weeks.
Recruiting2 awards Phase 3
Nimacimab and Nimacimab + Semaglutide
for Obesity
This is a proof-of-concept study to assess the safety and efficacy of Nimacimab Injection compared to an active and placebo injection control.
Recruiting0 awards Phase 23 criteria
Tirzepatide + Mibavademab
for Obesity
The main purpose of this study is to determine if combining tirzepatide with mibavademab will result in more weight loss in adult participants than tirzepatide alone. The study will last about 74 weeks and may include up to 19 visits.
Recruiting0 awards Phase 2
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Frequently asked questions
What kind of research happens at Lillestol Research, LLC?
Lillestol Research, LLC is a medical facility located in Fargo, North Dakota. This center is recognized for care of Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, Overweight and other specialties. Lillestol Research, LLC is involved with conducting 106 clinical trials across 108 conditions. There are 4 research doctors associated with this hospital, such as Michael J Lillestol, Prafulla Shembalkar, Prafulla Keshaorao Shembalkar, and Lillestol.