Dr. David Friedmann, MD
Claim this profileNew York University
Studies Hearing Loss
Studies Ear Perforation
3 reported clinical trials
5 drugs studied
Affiliated Hospitals
New York University
NYU Langone Health
Clinical Trials David Friedmann, MD is currently running
for Ear Drum Perforation
This trial tests FGF-2, a protein that helps heal tissues, on patients with chronic ear drum holes that don't heal naturally. FGF-2 works by promoting new cell growth and tissue repair to close the holes. FGF-2 has been widely used for burn treatment and wound healing due to its ability to stimulate cell growth and repair.
Recruiting0 awards Phase 2
Hearing Rehabilitation Strategies
for Hearing Loss
During a primary care visit, investigators will screen and identify participants with hearing loss and then randomize to a) counseling on accessible assistive listening devices or b) referral to traditional audiology care pathway alone.
Recruiting1 award N/A2 criteria
More about David Friedmann, MD
Clinical Trial Related2 years of experience running clinical trials · Led 3 trials as a Principal Investigator · 2 Active Clinical TrialsTreatments David Friedmann, MD has experience with
- Counseling On Accessible Assistive Listening Devices
- Referral To Traditional Audiology Care Pathway Alone
- FGF-2
- Placebo
- CI632 Slim Modiolar Electrode
Breakdown of trials David Friedmann, MD has run
Hearing Loss
Ear Perforation
Ear Drum Perforation
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
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Frequently asked questions
Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the ‘trial drug’ — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
What does David Friedmann, MD specialize in?
David Friedmann, MD focuses on Hearing Loss and Ear Perforation. In particular, much of their work with Hearing Loss has involved treating patients, or patients who are undergoing treatment.
Is David Friedmann, MD currently recruiting for clinical trials?
Yes, David Friedmann, MD is currently recruiting for 2 clinical trials in New York New York. If you're interested in participating, you should apply.
Are there any treatments that David Friedmann, MD has studied deeply?
Yes, David Friedmann, MD has studied treatments such as Counseling on accessible assistive listening devices, Referral to traditional audiology care pathway alone, FGF-2.
What is the best way to schedule an appointment with David Friedmann, MD?
Apply for one of the trials that David Friedmann, MD is conducting.
What is the office address of David Friedmann, MD?
The office of David Friedmann, MD is located at: New York University, New York, New York 10016 United States. This is the address for their practice at the New York University.
Is there any support for travel costs?
The coverage of travel expenses can vary greatly between different clinical trials. Please see more financial detail in the trials you’re interested to apply.