Dr. Fernanda D Young, M.D.

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Studies Atopic Dermatitis
Studies Perianal Dermatitis
1 reported clinical trial
4 drugs studied

Clinical Trials Fernanda D Young, M.D. is currently running

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IgE Threshold Testing

for Food Allergy

Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD), also called eczema, makes skin dry, red, and itchy. People with AD are more likely to get a food allergy than people without AD. But some food allergy tests are not always accurate in people with AD. Researchers want to study if people are truly allergic to milk and/or peanuts. Objectives: To improve the ways doctors test for food allergy in people with AD. Eligibility: People ages 3 21 who have had AD; have a high total IgE level (an allergic antibody); might have a milk and/or peanut allergy; and are currently enrolled in another NIH study Design: Participants will be screened under another protocol. Participants will have a physical exam, blood tests, and medical history. Participants will breathe into a plastic device that measures lung strength. Participants may get a small plastic tube inserted in their arm. Participants who have not had an allergic reaction to food in the past 3 years will do 1 or more oral food challenge (OFCs) depending on their allergies. They will eat a little bit of the food they might be allergic to. They will be watched for a reaction. If they have one, they will know for sure they are allergic. They may keep eating bigger portions of the food until they either have a reaction or finish all the food. In some OFCs, participants will get a placebo food. OFCs will last a few hours or 2 days. Participants will repeat all tests at each OFC. Participation can last up to 12 months. ...
Recruiting0 awards Phase 210 criteria

More about Fernanda D Young, M.D.

Clinical Trial Related5 years of experience running clinical trials · Led 1 trial as a Principal Investigator · 1 Active Clinical Trial
Treatments Fernanda D Young, M.D. has experience with
  • Baked Milk And Rice Milk (placebo For Baked Milk)
  • Dry Milk Powder And Corn Starch (placebo For Milk Powder)
  • Peanut Flour And Oat Flour (placebo For Peanut Flour)
  • Peanut Powder And Oat Flour

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Frequently asked questions

Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the ‘trial drug’ — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
What does Fernanda D Young, M.D. specialize in?
Fernanda D Young, M.D. focuses on Atopic Dermatitis and Perianal Dermatitis. In particular, much of their work with Atopic Dermatitis has involved treating patients, or patients who are undergoing treatment.
Is Fernanda D Young, M.D. currently recruiting for clinical trials?
Yes, Fernanda D Young, M.D. is currently recruiting for 1 clinical trial in the USA. If you're interested in participating, you should apply.
Are there any treatments that Fernanda D Young, M.D. has studied deeply?
Yes, Fernanda D Young, M.D. has studied treatments such as Baked milk and Rice milk (placebo for Baked milk), Dry Milk Powder and Corn Starch (placebo for Milk powder), Peanut flour and Oat flour (placebo for peanut flour).
What is the best way to schedule an appointment with Fernanda D Young, M.D.?
Apply for one of the trials that Fernanda D Young, M.D. is conducting.
Is there any support for travel costs?
The coverage of travel expenses can vary greatly between different clinical trials. Please see more financial detail in the trials you’re interested to apply.