Dr. John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH

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Studies Stomachache
Studies Irritable Bowel Syndrome
1 reported clinical trial
1 drug studied

Clinical Trials John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH is currently running

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Guided Imagery Therapy

for Abdominal Pain

Chronic abdominal pain is common among children, and the majority of cases are attributed to functional abdominal pain disorders. One approach to treating these disorders is by using psychological therapies. This clinical trial aims to see how well pre-recorded guided imagery therapy sessions help children's abdominal pain when delivered via a mobile application (app) on a smartphone or tablet. Participants will complete a baseline abdominal pain and stooling diary to determine eligibility and other surveys. Participants who qualify will be placed in one of two groups by chance: * Immediate Treatment Group * Delayed Treatment Group After randomization, the Immediate Treatment Group will get immediate access to the guided imagery therapy (GIT) mobile app intervention. This intervention asks participants to listen to a 10- to 15-minute GIT session 5 out 7 days weekly for 8 weeks in addition to their usual care for their abdominal pain. Then, participants will complete another abdominal pain and stooling diary and other psychometric surveys at the end of this intervention period. After randomization, the Delayed Treatment group will be observed as they wait 8 weeks without app access. During this phase, these participants will continue to treat their abdominal pain in their usual fashion. After the end of this waiting period, participants will complete another abdominal pain and stooling diary and psychometric surveys again before gaining access to the GIT mobile app intervention. As noted previously, the mobile app intervention will ask participants to listen to a 10- to 15-minute GIT session 5 out of 7 days weekly for 8 weeks in addition to their usual care for their abdominal pain. Another abdominal pain and stooling diary and other psychometric surveys will be collected at the end of this app intervention.
Recruiting1 award N/A3 criteria

More about John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH

Clinical Trial Related1 year of experience running clinical trials · Led 1 trial as a Principal Investigator · 1 Active Clinical Trial
Treatments John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH has experience with
  • Guided Imagery Therapy Mobile Application
Breakdown of trials John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH has run
Benign Hepatobiliary Disease

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Frequently asked questions

Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the ‘trial drug’ — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
What does John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH specialize in?
John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH focuses on Stomachache and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. In particular, much of their work with Stomachache has involved treating patients, or patients who are undergoing treatment.
Is John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH currently recruiting for clinical trials?
Yes, John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH is currently recruiting for 1 clinical trial in the USA. If you're interested in participating, you should apply.
Are there any treatments that John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH has studied deeply?
Yes, John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH has studied treatments such as Guided Imagery Therapy Mobile Application.
What is the best way to schedule an appointment with John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH?
Apply for one of the trials that John M Hollier, MD, MS, MPH is conducting.
Is there any support for travel costs?
The coverage of travel expenses can vary greatly between different clinical trials. Please see more financial detail in the trials you’re interested to apply.