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What is Caverject Impulse
When to interrupt dosage
The endorsed dosage of Caverject Impulse is contingent upon the diagnosed condition, such as Impotence, Raynaud's Phenomenon and Aquaporin 2. The amount of dosage fluctuates as per the delivery procedure featured in the below table.Warnings
Caverject Impulse has 14 incompatible contraindications, and should not be utilized if any of the circumstances in the following table is present.Caverject Impulse ContraindicationsCaverject Impulse Novel Uses: Which Conditions Have a Clinical Trial Featuring Caverject Impulse?
27 active trials are assessing the potential of Caverject Impulse to ameliorate Aquaporin 2, Impotence, and Raynaud's Phenomenon.Caverject Impulse Reviews: What are patients saying about Caverject Impulse?
Patient Q&A Section about caverject impulse
These questions and answers are submitted by anonymous patients, and have not been verified by our internal team.What is CAVERJECT IMPULSE used for?
"Caverject Impulse is a drug that helps with erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis. It can also be used to help diagnose certain causes of erectile dysfunction."
How long does the effect of Caverject last?
"This medication is designed to produce an erection that lasts for around an hour, and typically starts working within 5-20 minutes. However, it shouldn't be used more than three times a week, with at least one day in between each dose."
How is CAVERJECT IMPULSE administered?
"You should injection the CAVERJECT IMPUSE on different sides of the penis each time and compress the injection site for 5 minutes with an alcohol swab or sterile gauze. CAVERJECT IMPUSE is only meant to be used once and should be thrown away after use."
What's the difference between Caverject and CAVERJECT IMPULSE?
"CAVERJECT is injected into a specific area of the penis to produce an erection. CAVERJECT IMPULSE is for single use only and should be thrown away after use."