BRIGHT Coaching Program for Developmental Disabilities
Recruiting in Palo Alto (17 mi)
+3 other locations
Age: < 18
Sex: Any
Travel: May Be Covered
Time Reimbursement: Varies
Trial Phase: Academic
Waitlist Available
Sponsor: McGill University Health Centre/Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
No Placebo Group
Trial Summary
What is the purpose of this trial?Children with, or at elevated risk for, brain-based developmental disabilities can experience lifelong consequences and challenges throughout their development. In particular, preschool years (3-6 years of age) can be stressful as families wait to get services and care for their child. Nationally and internationally, service delivery models during this critical period are not standardized, and differ within and across provinces and across patient conditions, leading to long wait times, service gaps and duplications.
This study has two main hypotheses:
1. A standardized approach to "coaching" (i.e. coach + online education tools + peer support network) is feasible in the real-life context, and acceptable to caregivers and can be delivered across multiple sites in urban/suburban/rural settings.
2. A standardized approach to "coaching" enhances parental health (parents' empowerment and sense of competence, quality of life, and minimizes parenting stress), family health care experience (care coordination experience and process of care) at similar health care cost (economic analysis), when compared to usual and locally available care.
Eligibility Criteria
This trial is for families with children aged 1.5 to 4.5 years who are suspected of or confirmed to have developmental delays and are new to a service agency for assessment/intervention. Participants must be able to complete three assessments over a year and speak English or French.Inclusion Criteria
You have difficulties or delays in one or more areas of development, such as movement, thinking, speaking, socializing, or behavior.
Willing to participate in the study for 3 assessments: at enrolment; 8 months later, and 12 months later.
Has been newly referred to a given service agency/program for assessment and/or intervention services (some services may have been provided in the past in infancy)
+1 more
Exclusion Criteria
Do not have access on a routine basis to the internet through a desktop, laptop or mobile.
I do not speak English or French.
I am willing and able to participate in check-ups, whether by phone or in person.
Participant Groups
The study tests if a standardized coaching program, which includes a coach, online education tools, and peer support network, can improve parental health, family healthcare experience, and be cost-effective compared to usual care.
2Treatment groups
Experimental Treatment
Group I: Group 2- Partial and delayed coachingExperimental Treatment2 Interventions
Parents in this group will have delayed and partial access to coaching, at the end of the 18-month period. Parents in this group will have a one-time session with a developmental coach who can give them guidance about their child's development. Parents in this group will also then get access to online parent education and peer support tools, indefinitely, until the online platform is de-activated.
\* Both arms/groups\* will obtain usual care for their child, in addition and independent of full or partial coaching.
Group II: Group 1 - CoachingExperimental Treatment3 Interventions
Upon enrollment to the study, parents in this group will have immediate access to the full intervention:
* Coaching: Telephone contact with coaches, who will provide information, education and support about the child's development. Coaching will be adapted to family needs, situation, preferences and child's condition.
* Online parent education: Parents will be provided access to empowering online tools, such as educational resources, chosen or developed by other parents and researchers.
* Peer support tools: Parents will have access to a secure online social media tool to connect to other parents going through a similar experience. Through this tool, parents can help support each other, and share their experiences and knowledge.
Find a Clinic Near You
Research Locations NearbySelect from list below to view details:
Specialized Services for Children and Youth (SSCY) CentreWinnipeg, Canada
Child Health BC, BC Children's Hospital, UBCVancouver, Canada
Research Institute of McGill University Health Centre, Montreal Children's HospitalMontréal, Canada
Izaak Walton Killam (IWK) Health CentreHalifax, Canada
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Who Is Running the Clinical Trial?
McGill University Health Centre/Research Institute of the McGill University Health CentreLead Sponsor
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)Collaborator
University of AlbertaCollaborator