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What is Phospholine Iodide
Approved as Treatment by the FDA
Echothiophate, also called Phospholine Iodide Ophthalmic, is approved by the FDA for 6 uses including Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma and Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) .Effectiveness
When to interrupt dosage
The prescribed amount of Phospholine Iodide is subject to the diagnosed condition, including Open Angle Glaucoma, nonuveitic secondary glaucoma and Accommodative component in esotropia. Dosage fluctuates as per the procedure of delivery (e.g. Kit or Solution) featured in the table beneath.Warnings
Phospholine Iodide has two prohibitions. It should not be incorporated with the situations outlined in the following table.Phospholine Iodide ContraindicationsPhospholine Iodide Novel Uses: Which Conditions Have a Clinical Trial Featuring Phospholine Iodide?
14 active clinical trials are assessing the potential of Phospholine Iodide to alleviate Accommodative component in esotropia, Open Angle Glaucoma and nonuveitic secondary glaucoma.Phospholine Iodide Reviews: What are patients saying about Phospholine Iodide?
Patient Q&A Section about phospholine iodide
These questions and answers are submitted by anonymous patients, and have not been verified by our internal team.What is Phospholine iodide used for?
"This drug is used to lower pressure in the eye for people with glaucoma or other eye problems. It works by shrinking the pupil and reducing the amount of fluid in the eye. It also affects some eye muscles."
How is Echothiophate administered?
"Echothiophate must be diluted before using. The 0.06% concentration produces the most significant IOP reduction for most patients, which is approximately the same as the peak effect of 4% pilocarpine."
What drug class is Echothiophate iodide?
"Many organophosphorus compounds are used as pesticides. Some have medical applications, while others are used as oil additives. The general chemical formula for these compounds is (RO)₃PS, [(RO)₂PO]⁻, R(RO)₂PS, etc."
Who manufactures Phospholine Iodide?
"(n.d.). Retrieved from
Phospholine Iodide is a medication used to treat conditions related to the eye. It is a brand name drug that is manufactured by Pfizer, and its active ingredient is called phospholine iodide. This drug is available in both pill and liquid form, and is taken orally."