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TEC4Home Heart Failure: Using Home Health Monitoring to Support the Transition of Care (TEC4Home Trial)
TEC4Home Heart Failure is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) that examines how home health monitoring (HHM) can support Heart Failure (HF) patients during the transition of care from hospital to home. The HHM solution includes a weight scale, blood pressure cuff, pulse oximeter and tablet computer, which patients use daily for 60 days to record these metrics and answer questions on their symptoms. This data is sent to a nurse who is able to monitor the patient's condition remotely. The hypothesis is that the TEC4Home HHM solution will be a cost-effective strategy to decrease 90-day Emergency Department (ED) revisits and hospital admission rates, and improve quality of life and self-management for patients living with Heart Failure.
- Heart Failure