Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Pediatric OCD
Trial Summary
The trial does not specify if you must stop taking your current medications, but it requires that you are on a stable SRI medication for at least 12 weeks before joining. The study aims to see if you can stop the medication without relapsing, so you might need to continue your current medication initially.
The available research shows that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is effective for treating pediatric OCD. Studies have compared CBT to other treatments like medication and found it to be beneficial. For example, CBT has been shown to work better than just waiting for symptoms to improve on their own. It also works well when combined with medication. Research conducted in regular clinics, not just academic settings, confirms that CBT can significantly help children and teens with OCD. This means that CBT is a reliable option for treating OCD in young people.
12345The safety data for CBT in treating pediatric OCD is limited, as there is sparse knowledge on adverse events in psychotherapy for youth with OCD. The TECTO trial aims to expand this knowledge. While CBT is considered effective, there are no official guidelines for defining or monitoring adverse events in psychotherapy. More qualitative and quantitative assessments are recommended to better understand potential adverse events.
12678Eligibility Criteria
This trial is for children aged 7-17 in Texas with a primary diagnosis of OCD lasting over 6 months, who are moderately symptomatic despite being on stable SRI medication for at least 12 weeks. Participants must speak English and not be taking certain excluded medications or have specific other mental health diagnoses.Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Trial Timeline
Participants are screened for eligibility to participate in the trial
Phase I: CBT Treatment
All participants receive web-based CBT for 12 to 18 weeks
Phase II: Randomized Treatment
Participants are randomized to either continue SRI or undergo discontinuation titration to placebo, with CBT maintenance sessions
Participants are monitored for safety and effectiveness after treatment