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Therapeutic Improvement in People with Schizophrenia Undergoing TACS/CBTp (transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Applied Pre-cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis) Associated to Usual Medication Regimen (tACS/CBTpSZ Trial)
We are proposing a new, non-invasive therapeutic model using transcranial alternative current stimulation (tACS), to augment cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp) efficacy in individuals with schizophrenia (SZ). Using EEG brain oscillation activity, as a biomarker of the progression of cognitive deficits in SZ, we aim to understand if addressing the oscillation perturbations could reduce the cognitive deficits. We are using heart rate variability (HRV) as a biomarker of improvement of somatic and mental health. We are aiming also for an analysis through a GBA+ lens, by using along with specific tests for psychosis (PANSS, NSA-16, etc.), the BEM Sex Role Inventory. Considering that cognitive and emotional status is gender dependent, we expect that the therapeutic response could be gender specific. This is a prospective, randomized, repeated-measures, single-blind study design. Pre-intervention, eligible participants will be randomly assigned to one of two treatment arms. Arm 1 (tACS/CBTp n=14); Arm 2 (sham tACS/CBTp, n=14; tACS is sham, but CBTp is active). Intervention (16 weeks): participants in Arms 1 and 2 will receive once weekly tACS/ CBTp or sham tACS/CBTp. Post-intervention: follow-up visits at 4 and 12 weeks post-intervention (with a tACS/CBTp booster session provided each time). The chart review, will search for: comorbid metabolic conditions, lab work abnormalities (glycemic level, Hb A, cholesterol), substances use, BMI, type of medication, side effects. Expected outcomes: Participants in Arm 1 will show a better improvement in psychosocial assessment scores, electrical brain activity (tendency to organize the neural oscillations in the gamma frequency range, mainly in frontal lobes) and heart activity (increased HRV). The timeline for recruitment, treatment and follow-up, is 18 months, followed by six months for data analysis, dissemination activities. Population: Individuals with SZ (DSM V criteria) stratified by age and sex. We expect 150 potentially eligible patients from PCH-MHS, with 28 participants consenting to participate.
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
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