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Fascial Scar Mobilization Techniques in Treating Chronic Caesarian Section Scar Pain
Over 1.37 million Caesarian sections (C-sections) are performed annually in the US . It is estimated that 12-20 % of those will result in chronic scar pain. This pain can lead to functional difficulties performing activities of daily living, pain with bowel movements, and pain with sexual activity . There is anecdotal evidence supporting the use of deep fascial scar mobilization techniques in reducing abdominal surgical scar pain, and yet almost no research has been published. The aims of this randomized clinical trial will be to determine if deep fascial scar mobilization techniques or superficial scar mobilization techniques will improve chronic pain and its resulting functional deficits, threshold pressure discomfort, pressure tolerance and mobility restrictions resulting from C-section surgery and to see if these interventions are more effective than no intervention. A positive result may result in an increase in the use of this intervention and thus the reduction of chronic scar pain for many women; it may provide justification for insurance reimbursement for this approach and it will also pave the way for further investigation into the use of these techniques with other types of painful scars including hysterectomy.
- Tissue Adhesions
- Intestinal Fibrosis
- Scar
- Cesarean Section