~21 spots leftby Mar 2026

Prenatal Supplements for Male Infertility

Recruiting in Palo Alto (17 mi)
Overseen byDan Nayot, BSc, MSc, MD
Age: 18 - 65
Sex: Male
Travel: May Be Covered
Time Reimbursement: Varies
Trial Phase: Academic
Sponsor: The Bird and Be Co Inc
No Placebo Group

Trial Summary

What is the purpose of this trial?This trial tests if a few months of taking the 'Power Prenatal for Sperm' supplement can improve sperm quality in men with infertility issues. The supplement contains nutrients that may help improve sperm concentration, movement, and shape.
Do I have to stop taking my current medications?

The trial requires that you stop taking any antioxidant supplements, except for a general multivitamin, if you have taken them in the last 3 months.

What data supports the idea that Prenatal Supplements for Male Infertility is an effective treatment?

The available research shows mixed results regarding the effectiveness of Prenatal Supplements for Male Infertility. Some studies suggest that over-the-counter supplements can improve semen quality and pregnancy outcomes, but other studies show no improvement and even potential complications. There is no clear standard for how these supplements should be used, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about their effectiveness. Compared to other treatments like physical exercise, which also shows inconsistent results, the effectiveness of these supplements remains uncertain.

What safety data exists for prenatal supplements for male infertility?

The provided research does not directly address the safety data for prenatal supplements for male infertility, such as Power Prenatal for Sperm. The studies focus on hormonal male contraception and other unrelated treatments, but do not provide specific safety data for the prenatal supplements in question.

Is Power Prenatal for Sperm a promising treatment for male infertility?

Power Prenatal for Sperm, like other supplements, may help improve sperm health and increase the chances of pregnancy. Some studies show positive effects on sperm quality and fertility outcomes, suggesting it could be a promising treatment for male infertility.


Eligibility Criteria

Men aged 18-45 with recent poor sperm quality (low count, motility, or morphology) and experiencing infertility can join this trial. They must not have a varicocele, be taking antioxidants other than multivitamins, or be outside the age range.

Inclusion Criteria

Morphology: Strict criteria: Normal forms < 4% Reference: WHO 2020 6th edition: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240030787
Age 18-45 years old
+4 more

Exclusion Criteria

Younger than 18 years old
Older than 45 years old
You don't have a diagnosed condition called varicocele, which affects the veins in the testicles.
+1 more

Participant Groups

The trial is testing 'Power Prenatal for Sperm', a supplement aimed at improving sperm quality over a 90-day course. Participants' semen will be analyzed before and after to assess any changes in sperm health.
1Treatment groups
Experimental Treatment
Group I: Power Prenatal for SpermExperimental Treatment1 Intervention
This is a single arm study. Participants will take supplements for 3 months. The supplements is Power Prenatal for Sperm (active ingredients - https://birdandbe.com/the-power-prenatal-for-sperm)

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Who Is Running the Clinical Trial?

The Bird and Be Co IncLead Sponsor


The role of over-the-counter supplements for the treatment of male infertility--fact or fiction? [2013]Many over-the-counter (OTC) vitamins and supplements have been used to improve male fertility. The purpose of this study is to review the effects of these OTC supplements on male fertility. A Pub Med and Medline review of the randomized controlled studies utilizing OTC vitamins and supplements readily available in the United States over the last 3 decades was performed. Many studies demonstrate the positive effects of OTC supplementation on semen parameters and pregnancy outcomes. Conversely, many studies also demonstrate a lack of improvement and potential complications with supplementation. Confounding factors include lack of standard dosing regimens, duration of treatment, and control for dietary intake. No standard exists for which OTC supplement and vitamin studies have been conducted or the medications dosed. Definitive conclusions as to their true effects on male subfertility and dosing regimen could not be identified.
Discrepancies between the internet and academic literature regarding vitamin use for male infertility. [2022]The accuracy of online medical information is variable. A 2014 Cochrane review did not support a robust improvement in male infertility after antioxidant supplementation. Many subfertile men take vitamins in hopes of improving their fertility. We sought to evaluate the content of online information for male fertility vitamins, and compare this with the published literature.
Role of optimizing testosterone before microdissection testicular sperm extraction in men with nonobstructive azoospermia. [2022]Although optimizing endogenous testosterone production before testicular sperm extraction is commonly practiced, whether improved preoperative testosterone levels enhance sperm retrieval remains unclear. We evaluated the influence of preoperative medical therapy in men with nonobstructive azoospermia before microdissection testicular sperm extraction.
Pharmacological stimulation of sperm motility. [2019]The treatment of male factor infertility is a rapidly developing field. The introduction of microsurgical fertilization techniques allows assisted conception units to treat couples who previously would not have benefited from in-vitro fertilization techniques. However, these techniques are only used for the minority of subfertile men in andrological practice. Many subfertile men are still treated pharmacologically or by sperm selection methods to enhance sperm fertilizing ability. Numerous pharmacological compounds have been described that enhance sperm motility and thus, potentially, sperm fertilizing capacity. This paper attempts to review these compounds and assess their role in treatment of the subfertile male.
Effects of physical exercises on semen quality and reproductive outcomes in male infertility: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. [2023]Infertility has troubled the world's 186 million people, and male infertility accounts for more than half. The literature of physical exercise related to semen quality has shown inconsistent results, and there is currently no systematic review to evaluate the effects of exercise on reproductive outcomes in male infertility patients. This study aims to assessing the effects of exercise interventions based on randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on semen quality and reproductive outcomes in male infertility.
Use of clomiphene citrate in the treatment of men with high sperm chromatin stability. [2019]To determine whether improvements of the seminal vesicle function after a 5-day course with clomiphene citrate (CC) may reduce the prevalence of men with high sperm chromatin stability under conditions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA).
Prenatal testosterone excess reduces sperm count and motility. [2013]The reproductive system is extremely susceptible to insults from exposure to exogenous steroids during development. Excess prenatal testosterone exposure programs neuroendocrine, ovarian, and metabolic deficits in the female, features seen in women with polycystic ovary disease. The objective of this study was to determine whether prenatal testosterone excess also disrupts the male reproductive system, using sheep as a model system. The extent of reproductive disruption was tested by assessing sperm quantity and quality as well as Leydig cell responsiveness to human chorionic gonadotropin. Males born to mothers treated with 30 mg testosterone propionate twice weekly from d 30 to 90 and with 40 mg testosterone propionate from d 90 to 120 of pregnancy (T-males) showed a significant reduction (P
90d Exposure to Nonylphenol has Adverse Effects on the Spermatogenesis and Sperm Maturation of Adult Male Rats. [2018]This study was conducted to elucidate the reproductive effect of NP on testis, epididymis and epididymal sperm in vivo. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were gavaged with NP at 0, 40, 100, or 250 mg/kg body weight (bw) on alternate days for 90 d. The results showed that oral administration of NP may damage the structure and function of testis, induce apoptosis and oxidative stress in epididymis or even have cytotoxic effects on epididymal sperm.
Hormonal approaches to male contraception: approaching reality. [2006]The 'pre-testicular' suppression of gonadotrophins is the most likely approach for reversible therapeutic male fertility control to reach imminent clinical application. Maintenance of spermatogenesis depends on adequate gonadotrophin and intratesticular testosterone concentrations. Hormonal contraception for men interrupts this physiological axis by various means of gonadotrophin suppression; this interferes with spermatogonial differentiation and meiosis entry resulting in reversible azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia in virtually all men. Clinical trials have confirmed that high contraceptive efficacy, similar to female hormonal contraceptives, can be reliably attained with few side effects. However, the simultaneous suppression of Leydig cell steroidogenesis mandates the requirement for testosterone replacement in hormonal male contraception. Combination regimens of new synthetic progestins and androgens at various stages of development are being investigated with the lead products poised to go into phase III trials. Heterogeneity in response to spermatogenesis suppression has been observed within and between population; the mechanisms are unclear. This new method of reversible and effective contraception has registered high acceptability in surveys of both men and women. The recent entry of pharmaceutical companies into this area of research and development has considerably enhanced the prospects of translating years of academic efforts into new products which provide added family planning choice for many couples.
Hormonal male contraception in men with normal and subnormal semen parameters. [2011]Hormonal male contraception based on testosterone alone or on a combination of testosterone with a gestagen has been shown to suppress spermatogenesis effectively and to be fully reversible. However, clinical studies to date have only included volunteers with so-called 'normal' semen values by WHO standards. As a male contraceptive should be available to all interested men regardless of their semen parameters, we investigated how volunteers with subnormal semen parameters would respond to hormonal male contraception. During a 34-week treatment phase, the volunteers received injections of 1000 mg testosterone undecanoate in weeks 0, 6, 14 and 24. This was followed by a 24-week recovery and follow-up period. As it was not known whether men with subnormal semen parameters would recover to starting levels, cryopreservation of semen was offered to all subnormal volunteers. Twenty-three men with normal semen parameters and 18 with sperm counts below 20 million completed the trial. The normal volunteers showed the expected response with 17 suppressing sperm counts below 1 million/ejaculate (13 showing azoospermia) and six not-suppressing below 1 million sperm/ejaculate. By the end of the recovery period, all sperm counts had returned to the range of starting values. The subnormal group showed a similar pattern with 13 of 18 (= 72%) men suppressing below 1 million/ejaculate (8/18 = 44% showing azoospermia) and the remaining 5 of 18 (= 28%) not-suppressing sperm counts below 1 million/ejaculate. All sperm counts returned to the starting range. The study shows that in Caucasian men with normal sperm counts as well as in men with subnormal sperm counts, testosterone alone can produce azoospermia in about half and suppression below one million in about two-thirds of the volunteers. The same proportion of men in both groups appears to require an additional gestagen for full contraceptive protection. Most importantly, regarding suppressibility and reversibility, volunteers with normal and subnormal sperm counts display the same pattern.
Double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial on the effect of L-carnitine and L-acetylcarnitine on sperm parameters in men with idiopathic oligoasthenozoospermia. [2023]Carnitine is essential for energy metabolism and spermatozoa maturation. Combining L-carnitine and L-acetylcarnitine with micronutrients has been investigated as a treatment for infertility in men. We evaluated the effects of a therapeutic formulation, Proxeed Plus, on sperm parameters in oligoasthenozoospermic men. This prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial involved 175 males (19-44 years) with idiopathic oligoasthenozoospermia who failed to impregnate their partners (12 months). Males received Proxeed Plus or placebo for 3 and 6 months. Sperm volume, progressive motility and vitality significantly (p 10%, and simultaneous measurement of changes in sperm vitality and DNA fragmentation index gave the highest probability of sperm motility 10% (AUC = 0.924; 95% CI = 0.852-0.996; p
[Therapy of male subfertility]. [2006]The possibilities of treating male subfertility are still limited. Approaches at medical therapy include stimulation of spermatogenesis at the testicular level, improvement of epididymal function (sperm maturation), influence on sperm transport and activation of sperm metabolism with improvement of sperm motility. Causal therapy has been most successful in patients with hormonal insufficiency and male adnexitis, while microsurgical reconstructive measures have yielded best results in cases of occlusion within the efferent seminal ducts. New therapeutic approaches include the use of mast cell blockers and alpha blockers as well as vitamin C/E as an antioxidative treatment to reduce reactive oxygen species. If medical or surgical therapy has failed, methods for improvement of sperm quality in vitro must be considered (swim-up technique, glass wool filtration, migration/sedimentation technique, density gradient centrifugation). In cases of severe male sterility factor, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has been a breakthrough in the therapy of childlessness. A further progress is the collection of spermatozoa from the epididymis (MESA = microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration) or testis (TESE = testicular sperm extraction). Finally, pressure in terms of time and organization can now be avoided by the use of cryopreserved spermatozoa from the ejaculate, epididymis or testicular tissue so that microinjection may be planned independently of the partner. In any case, a close cooperation between gynecologist and andrologist is of utmost importance.
Male infertility and antioxidants: one small step for man, no giant leap for andrology? [2020]Oxidative stress is detrimental to spermatozoa and is acknowledged to be a common pathology in infertile men. Antioxidant supplements, therefore, represent a logical therapeutic approach, although the recent Cochrane review recommends cautious interpretation of publications and findings to date. This commentary considers whether male fertility supplements have a place in current reproductive medicine practice. Importantly, although sperm selection for intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a common research theme, survey data show that men would prefer medication to achieve natural conception, rather than treatment to improve assisted reproductive technology (ART) success. A total of 27.1% (n = 112), 26.6% (n = 110) and 24.5% (n = 101) respondents indicated they (or their male partner) would undertake medical treatment to attempt natural conception for up to 6 months, 12 months and 2 years, respectively. A total of 63% indicated that they would be prepared to participate in a clinical trial and 57% would defer ART by 6 months to do so. This information represents the beginnings of a dialogue with patients and stakeholders and should be used to shape research efforts.
Prospective open-label study on the efficacy and tolerability of a combination of nutritional supplements in primary infertile patients with idiopathic astenoteratozoospermia. [2016]To evaluate with an open-label study the efficacy and safety of a complex of nutritional supplements with antioxidant activity (L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine, fructose, citric acid, selenium, coenzyme Q10, zinc, ascorbic acid, cyanocobalamin, folic acid) in primary infertile patients with idiopathic astenoteratozoospermia.