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What is Amoxapine
When to interrupt dosage
The suggested dosage of Amoxapine is subject to the determined illness, for instance Neurotic depression, Psychotic Depression and Agitation. The amount of dosage depends on the method of delivery (e.g. Oral or Tablet) featured in the table beneath.Warnings
Amoxapine ContraindicationsAmoxapine Novel Uses: Which Conditions Have a Clinical Trial Featuring Amoxapine?
819 active clinical trials are investigating the potential of Amoxapine in treating Neurotic Depression, Agitation and Mental Despondency.Amoxapine Reviews: What are patients saying about Amoxapine?
Patient Q&A Section about amoxapine
These questions and answers are submitted by anonymous patients, and have not been verified by our internal team.What is the brand name for amoxapine?
"Amoxapine is a tricyclic antidepressant that is used to treat symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, or agitation."
What is amoxapine used to treat?
"This medicine is used to treat the symptoms of depression by increasing levels of certain chemicals in the brain. This medicine is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) and is available only with a doctor's prescription."
Is amoxapine an antipsychotic?
"The drug Amoxapine is marketed as an antidepressant, though it has similar in-vitro profiles, receptor occupancies, and preclinical effects to atypical antipsychotics. Amoxapine has shown to be effective as an atypical antipsychotic in open trials."
What are the side effects of amoxapine?
"popular antidepressants can cause a number of
side effects, including nausea, drowsiness, weakness or tiredness, nightmares, dry mouth, skin more sensitive to sunlight than usual, changes in appetite or weight, and constipation."