What is the purpose of this trial?Milk and dairy products contain significant amounts of nutrients that contribute to optimal health - nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and high-quality protein. Fermented milk products or fermented dairy products are dairy foods that have been fermented with certain bacteria. Yogurt is a fermented dairy product containing millions of beneficial bacteria. In this study, the invesgitagtors will look at the effect of milk (a non-fermented dairy product) and yogurt (a fermented dairy product) supplementation on bone health and the amount of fat and muscle mass in Canadian young adults over a 24-month period. While dairy products contain significant amounts of nutrients, the scientific community does not know the impact of long-term supplementation of fermented (i.e., yogurt) or non-fermented (i.e., milk) dairy food on bone health and the amount of fat and muscle mass in young adults. To fill this knowledge gap, the investigators will recruit participants with low calcium intake and assign them to three different groups: 1) milk (intervention) group; 2) yogurt (intervention) group; and 3) control group. The investigators will ask the participants in the milk group to drink 1.5 servings (375 mL) of milk per day for 24 months. Participants in the yogurt group will consume 2 servings (350 g) of yogurt per day for 24 months. Those in the control group will continue their usual diets. Using a randomized controlled trial design, the investigators will measure bone health parameters, hormonal indices related to bone metabolism, body composition (e.g., muscle mass, fat mass), and the number and composition of bacteria living in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The hypothesis is that supplementation with yogurt will have more positive effects on bone health indices, particularly femoral neck BMD as the primary outcome, than milk in Canadian adults aged 19-30 years. The secondary hypothesis is that supplementation with yogurt, as a fermented milk product, will have a more beneficial effect than milk on body composition measures. The data will provide valuable information for developing targeted health initiatives and marketing strategies regarding the benefits of fermented and non-fermented dairy product consumption.
How does the Milk + Yogurt treatment for bone health differ from other treatments?The Milk + Yogurt treatment is unique because it combines fermented milk products that are rich in calcium, phosphorus, and protein, which are essential for bone health. Additionally, yogurt contains probiotics that may enhance calcium absorption and improve gut health, offering a more holistic approach to bone health compared to other treatments.
23457 Is it safe to consume milk and yogurt for bone health?Research suggests that milk and yogurt are generally safe for bone health, as they are rich in nutrients that support bone strength and may reduce the risk of fractures. However, some studies indicate that certain components in milk might have unfavorable effects, so it's important to consider individual health conditions and consult with a healthcare provider.
356910 What data supports the effectiveness of the treatment Milk + Yogurt for Bone Health?Research shows that consuming milk and yogurt can lower the risk of hip fractures in older adults and improve bone health in postmenopausal women by providing essential nutrients like calcium and protein, which are important for maintaining strong bones.
157810 Will I have to stop taking my current medications?The trial requires that you do not take medications known to influence bone mass and density, such as steroids, diuretics, heparin, and cancer drugs.