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Behavioural Intervention
Cognitive Rehabilitation for Depression
Portland, OR
Waitlist Available
Led By Maya O'Neil, PhD
Research Sponsored by Portland VA Medical Center
Eligibility Criteria Checklist
Specific guidelines that determine who can or cannot participate in a clinical trial Must have
Be older than 18 years old
Screening 3 weeks
Treatment Varies
Follow Up from enrollment to the end of treatment at 8 weeks
Awards & highlights
No Placebo-Only Group
This trial aims to test a new cognitive training program for Veterans who have recently received treatment for depression and are still experiencing memory and cognitive issues. The study will compare the effectiveness of the new training program,
See full description
Who is the study for?
This trial is for Veterans who have been treated for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) within the past year and are still struggling with cognitive issues like memory and concentration. Participants must be willing to undergo assessments, attend weekly group sessions for 8 weeks, and complete follow-up evaluations.
What is being tested?
The study tests an 8-week program called Motivationally Enhanced Compensatory Cognitive Training (ME-CCT-MDD) against Goal-focused Supportive Contact (GSC). It aims to see if ME-CCT-MDD can improve thinking skills, mental health symptoms, daily functioning, and quality of life in Veterans with MDD-related cognitive deficits.See study design
What are the potential side effects?
Since this trial involves cognitive training and supportive contact rather than medication or invasive procedures, traditional side effects are not a primary concern. However, participants may experience fatigue or emotional distress during psychological assessments or therapy sessions.
Screening ~ 3 weeks3 visits
Treatment ~ Varies
Follow Up ~ from enrollment to the end of treatment at 8 weeks
Screening ~ 3 weeks
Treatment ~ Varies
Follow Up ~from enrollment to the end of treatment at 8 weeks
Treatment Details
Study Objectives
Study objectives can provide a clearer picture of what you can expect from a treatment.Primary study objectives
Acceptability, by participant report
Feasibility of Testing Procedures
Feasibility of data collection methods
+3 moreSecondary study objectives
Objective Cognitive Functioning, Pre-Post Change: BVMT-R (Delayed Recall)
Objective Cognitive Functioning, Pre-Post Change: BVMT-R (Total Recall)
Objective Cognitive Functioning, Pre-Post Change: CVLT-3 (Delayed Recall Correct)
+29 moreAwards & Highlights
No Placebo-Only Group
All patients enrolled in this study will receive some form of active treatment.
Trial Design
2Treatment groups
Experimental Treatment
Active Control
Group I: Motivationally Enhanced Compensatory Cognitive Training for Major Depressive DisorderExperimental Treatment1 Intervention
Motivationally Enhanced Compensatory Cognitive Training for Major Depressive Disorder (ME-CCT-MDD) is a manualized group-based behavioral intervention (8 weeks, 2 hour per week) designed to improve cognitive functioning in Veterans with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and cognitive complaints.
Group II: Goal-focused Supportive ContactActive Control1 Intervention
Goal-focused Supportive Contact (GSC) is a group therapy intervention that provides the same frequency (8 weeks , 2 hours per week) and amount of therapist and other group member contact as ME-CCT-MDD.
Find a Location
Closest Location:Portland VA Medical Center· Portland, OR· 2031 miles
Who is running the clinical trial?
Portland VA Medical CenterLead Sponsor
43 Previous Clinical Trials
7,804 Total Patients Enrolled
Oregon Health and Science UniversityOTHER
1,019 Previous Clinical Trials
7,419,783 Total Patients Enrolled
Maya O'Neil, PhDPrincipal InvestigatorPortland VA Medical Center
Joren AdamsPrincipal InvestigatorPortland VA Medical Center