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Battlefield Acupuncture for the Treatment of Low Back Pain in the Emergency Department
The purpose of this study is to study acupuncture for the treatment of low back pain in the emergency department. Current treatments for low back pain in the emergency department generally include pills or injections of medications to treat pain and relax muscles. However, it is known that many of these medications have risks and toxicities which may limit their safe use in some patients. Therefore, new types of treatments are needed. Acupuncture is an ancient form of healing that has been practiced in some form for centuries. In modern times, acupuncture has been studied for the long-term treatment of low back pain and some research suggests it may be effective. However, very little research has examined the use of acupuncture for immediate pain relief in the emergency department. This research will study a type of acupuncture called Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA). Battlefield acupuncture was designed by a physician in the US military with the purpose of providing immediate pain relief. It involves the placement of 5 small needles in each ear. The needles may be removed at any time. The hypothesis of this study is that battlefield acupuncture may improve mobility and pain of patients with low back pain in the emergency department.
- Low Back Pain
- Lower Back Pain
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