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Comparing Simulators Used in Fiber-optic Intubation Training Among Anesthesia Residents
Thirty residents in Anesthesia, year one and year two ,and Emergency Medicine Residents, and Family Practice Anesthetists and Emergency residents will undergo teaching in fiber-optic intubation. One half of the group will be randomized to a low fidelity simulator which consists of a wooden block with a series of holes, and the other to a high fidelity simulator, called the ORSIM , which provides a computerised model of the airway. They will practice the procedural skill of fiber-optic intubation on their assigned simulators. Cumulative sum method (CUSUM) learning curves and procedural Entrusted Professional Activities will be obtained for each resident on their assigned simulator. Following this , all residents will undergo a procedural entrusted professional activity with regard to fiber-optic intubation on a low risk , consented patient. The results of the learning curves, Simulator entrusted professional activity and Patient entrusted professional activity will be compared to assess if there is a difference between the low fidelity and high fidelity simulator groups.